1:1 Web Developer Career Planning Help

Do any of these describe you right now?

  • Currently looking for a job in tech?
  • Wondering how to showcase your skills and look attractive to recruiters?
  • Outlining the next step in your career?

We'd love to hear more about it!

Plan out your next career move with egghead

The job hunt job can be complex, counterintuitive, stressful and just plain frustrating.

As web developers, we usually have to go it alone too.

At egghead we've got a lot of experience in this industry and a community of web developers like you that want to get good or better jobs in the software industry.

How can we help you?

We'd like to chat about your career, finding jobs, focusing on the right skills so that you are ready for opportunities when they arrive.

If you are open to it, we'd love to chat with you to:

  • Brainstorm the next step in your career.
  • Critically assess your "this is what I need to do to get a job" thought process.
  • Find out what strategies other developers have employed to (successfully) land a job.
  • Co-create your "land a job" to-do list.
  • Just talk to someone about how things are going for you.

We can't promise that the job hunt will be any easier, but we can promise that a real person/team will hear you out, help you chart out next steps, and root for your success.

Let's chat about your career.

Enter your email and we'll be in touch.

What exactly am I signing up for?

All you're committing to is a Zoom chat – let's talk and find out how our team of experts can help you land that job you're chasing. Everyone's job hunt is different and there's no formula to rely on. We want to hear what parts of the process you're personally struggling with, and talk through possible solutions.

What does egghead get out of this?

Learning! We believe egghead can be tremendous resource for people who want to level up their careers. We need to know what help will be most appreciated before we invest in providing it. Talking to you will help us figure out how to best support other developers in your situation.

How much does this cost?

Absolutely nothing, except for your time! We know how valuable your time is. If you decide that this might not be for you, we promise to stay out of your way and cheer you on from the sidelines.