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Create a Color Scale with D3's scaleOrdinal

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Clarify Data in D3 with Additional Labels and Rounded Domain Values

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Render a Y Axis for a Bar Chart with D3 and React

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Render an X Axis for a Bar Chart with D3 and React

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Create Scaled Accessor Functions from D3 Scales

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Layout SVG Elements on a Y Axis with a D3 Band Scale in React

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Set an SVG Element's Width Based on a D3 Linear Scale in React

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Introduction to Create a Bar Chart with React and D3

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Setup Eleventy Project for Creating Twitch Scenes

lesson by Stephanie Eckles

Containers for Software Developers

talk by Joel Lord

Containerize Full-Stack JavaScript Applications with Docker

course by Joel Lord

Push a Docker Container Image to Docker Hub

lesson by Joel Lord

Allow Containers to Communicate through Docker Networks

lesson by Joel Lord

Create a Custom Image with a Dockerfile running Node.js

lesson by Joel Lord

Use Environment Variables for Docker Containers

lesson by Joel Lord

Running Your First Container

lesson by Joel Lord

Configure and Run a Node.js API Powered by a Vue Application

lesson by Joel Lord

Use Docker Compose To Share An Entire Application

lesson by Joel Lord

Mini talk - Access Environment Variables in a Dockerfile to Build a Front-End Container

lesson by Joel Lord

Mini talk - Containerize the Front End of an Application with a Multi-Step Docker Build

lesson by Joel Lord

Mini talk - Allow Containers to Communicate through Docker Networks

lesson by Joel Lord