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Complex State Management in React with Jotai and XState

course by Daishi Kato

Initialize a Xstate Machine with Jotai Atom in Atom Pattern

lesson by Daishi Kato

Provide XState with Initial Values through Jotai Provider

lesson by Daishi Kato

Derive Jotai Atom State from Complex State Managed in Xstate

lesson by Daishi Kato

Handle Complex State in Jotai with XState using atomWithMachine

lesson by Daishi Kato

Use built-in method input() to take User Input in Python

lesson by Mridu Bhatnagar

Difference between Equality Operator and Identity Operator in Python

lesson by Mridu Bhatnagar

Identity Operator in Python

lesson by Mridu Bhatnagar

Variable Names in Python

lesson by Mridu Bhatnagar

Use Built-in id() Method to Determine the Memory Address of the Object

lesson by Mridu Bhatnagar

Use Equality Operator to Compare the Value of Objects in Python

lesson by Mridu Bhatnagar

XState for State Management in React Apps with David Khourshid

lesson by Joel Hooks

Understand Immutability with Python Tuples

lesson by Ceora Ford

Up and Running with AWS Amplify Functions

course by nader dabit

Create a One Item Tuple in Python

lesson by Ceora Ford

Create a Tuple in Python

lesson by Ceora Ford

Read from a File in Python

lesson by Ali Spittel

Creating a full stack serverless app with Python, React hooks, and AWS Amplify Functions

lesson by nader dabit

Implement a simple Finite State Machine library in JavaScript

lesson by Kent C. Dodds

Add Actions to Transitions to Fire Side Effects

lesson by Kyle Shevlin

Trigger Actions When Entering and Exiting a XState State

lesson by Kyle Shevlin