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Write E2E Tests for Accessibility Using aXe-core and Cypress

lesson by Erin Doyle

Test Accessibility at Runtime with Selenium WebDriver and aXe-Core

lesson by Erin Doyle

Using the Redux DevTool Support Built-in to Redux Toolkit

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Set up the Minimum Files Needed to Run Vue 3

lesson by Kevin Cunningham

Create Semantic, Accessible HTML for Radio Buttons and Checkboxes

lesson by Stephanie Eckles

Create Semantic, Accessible HTML for Form Selects

lesson by Stephanie Eckles

Create Semantic, Accessible HTML for Text Form Inputs

lesson by Stephanie Eckles

Tic Tac Toe with CSS and SVG

course by Jhey Tompkins

Use Pug Mixins for Reusable Blocks of Markup

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use SVG to Create an Animatable Cross

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use SVG to Create a Circle

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use SVG to Create Lines

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use Type Reset to Reset Form State

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use Pug For Loops to Generate Form Markup

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use CSS @property to Animate and Transition Custom Properties

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use CSS aspect-ratio to prescribe an aspect ratio for an element

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Create a Dark Mode Theme in Your Web App Using CSS Media Query

lesson by Will Mendes

Add a Light Source with CSS and the fePointLight SVG Filter

lesson by Rodrigo Pombo

Optional Chaining

course by Shruti Kapoor

Run a Lighthouse audit in Chrome Devtools

lesson by Tomasz Łakomy

Copy a network request as fetch or cURL with Chrome DevTools

lesson by Tomasz Łakomy