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Pattern match in conditions and function parameters in Elixir
lesson by Kyle Gill
Pattern match values in Elixir
lesson by Kyle Gill
Getting Started with Elixir
course by Kyle Gill
Pass arguments into Elixir functions and understand arity
lesson by Kyle Gill
Write a New Function Inside of an Elixir Module
lesson by Kyle Gill
Generate a new Elixir project using Mix
lesson by Kyle Gill
Add New Methods to inbuilt Classes and Interfaces with Extension Methods in Dart
lesson by Jermaine Oppong
Manipulate Lists/Arrays in Dart
lesson by Jermaine Oppong
Manipulate Strings in Dart
lesson by Jermaine Oppong
Define Interfaces and Share Class Members through Mixins in Dart
lesson by Jermaine Oppong
Capture and Handle Data Sequences with Streams in Dart
lesson by Jermaine Oppong
Manage Package Dependencies with Pub
lesson by Jermaine Oppong
Capture and Return Asynchronous Values with Futures in Dart
lesson by Jermaine Oppong
Get Started with Dart
course by Jermaine Oppong
Fetching & Displaying Data from an API in Flutter using the http Package
lesson by nader dabit
Write a Basic HTTP Server in Dart
lesson by Jermaine Oppong
Chain Function Calls with the Pipe Operator in Elixir
lesson by Steven Mercatante
3d Animations with Greensock TweenLite
lesson by Lukas Ruebbelke