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Build a Multi-Tab Todos App in Script Kit

lesson by John Lindquist

Scrape a Website on a Schedule with Script Kit

lesson by John Lindquist

Save Chrome Tabs in a Markdown File and Take Notes with Script Kit

lesson by John Lindquist

Apply Title Case to Text Anywhere Using Script Kit

lesson by John Lindquist

List and Launch Dev Projects with Script Kit

lesson by John Lindquist

Manipulate Images With Drag and Drop in Script Kit

lesson by John Lindquist

Control Chrome From Script Kit using Apple Events

lesson by John Lindquist

Instantly Launch Chrome Dev Tools with Script Kit

lesson by John Lindquist

Write a Script with Script Kit to Browse Hacker News

lesson by John Lindquist

Install Nginx and Node.js on a AWS EC2 Server

lesson by Sam Julien

Declarative UIs without CSS with elm-ui

course by Flavio Corpa

Create a Production Optimised Build with create-elm-app

lesson by Flavio Corpa

Manually Control Responsiveness with Elm classifyDevice

lesson by Flavio Corpa

Split the Business Logic of Elm view Functions By Modeling the State

lesson by Flavio Corpa

Give Multiple Dropdowns Their Own Individual State with elm-ui-dropdown

lesson by Flavio Corpa

Customize My First Checkbox Icon with elm-ui

lesson by Flavio Corpa

Add elm-ui Border.shadow to Highlight Any Element

lesson by Flavio Corpa

Customize My Own Dropdown with elm-ui-dropdown

lesson by Flavio Corpa

Work with elm-ui Input Components

lesson by Flavio Corpa

Choose between text, textColumn and paragraph with elm-ui

lesson by Flavio Corpa

Use padding, paddingXY and paddingEach with elm-ui

lesson by Flavio Corpa