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Add Security Headers to an Express app

lesson by Ingrid Epure

Set up the Minimum Files Needed to Run Vue 3

lesson by Kevin Cunningham

Create an OAuth Client-Server for code/token exchange

lesson by Christian Nwamba

Add Github Login to Your Web App with OAuth 2.0

course by Christian Nwamba

Create Semantic, Accessible HTML for Radio Buttons and Checkboxes

lesson by Stephanie Eckles

Create Semantic, Accessible HTML for Form Selects

lesson by Stephanie Eckles

Create Semantic, Accessible HTML for Text Form Inputs

lesson by Stephanie Eckles

Tic Tac Toe with CSS and SVG

course by Jhey Tompkins

Use Pug Mixins for Reusable Blocks of Markup

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use SVG to Create an Animatable Cross

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use SVG to Create a Circle

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use SVG to Create Lines

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use Type Reset to Reset Form State

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Use Pug For Loops to Generate Form Markup

lesson by Jhey Tompkins

Add a Light Source with CSS and the fePointLight SVG Filter

lesson by Rodrigo Pombo

Role Based Auth in NodeJS with ExpressJS and Auth0

lesson by Tyler Clark

Connect to an Express.js API from a React app in an Nx Workspace

lesson by Juri Strumpflohner

Create an Express Backend API in an Nx Workspace

lesson by Juri Strumpflohner

aria-hidden vs. hidden

lesson by Lindsey Kopacz

Get a JWT From Auth0 in Express to Be Used in Authentication

lesson by Kevin Cunningham

Add Middleware to Validate a JSON Web Token (JWT)

lesson by Kevin Cunningham