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Create Astro API Endpoints to Get and Update Database Records using Drizzle ORM
lesson by Lazar Nikolov
Add GitHub Authorization to an OAuth Client App
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Create an OAuth Client-Server for code/token exchange
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Parse for the Auth Code in a Query before Sending It to a Server
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Exchange Auth Code in a Request for an Access Token
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Fetch Protected Data from a Resource Server with an Access Token
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Add Github Login to Your Web App with OAuth 2.0
course by Christian Nwamba
Creating a Digital Garden CLI with Rust
course by Chris Biscardi
Abstracting test utilities inside integration test files
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Using owo_colors Extension Traits to colorize terminal output
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Checking for file existence with PathBuf to ensure unique filenames
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Using assert_fs and predicates to integration test with a real temporary file system
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Passing control to the user's favorite editor (such as VSCode) from the CLI
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Prompting the user for input with rprompt and loop
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Adding support for global flags that apply for all subcommands with structopt
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Creating a library crate to support a Rust binary crate in the same package
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Using the Option type in Rust to pick from multiple values that might not exist
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Matching structopt commands and using Rust values after move
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Integration testing Cargo binaries with assert_cmd
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Setting up git-like subcommands using structopt
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Documenting and writing helptext for Structopt CLI commands and flags
lesson by Chris Biscardi