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Build a Sanity CMS Powered SvelteKit Blog

course by Ben Patton

Build High-Speed Monorepos with Nx and pnpm Workspaces

course by Juri Strumpflohner

Introduction to Monorepos with NPM Workspaces

course by Alejandro Ñáñez

Full Stack Web3 and Blockchain Development on Ethereum with SvelteKit

course by Matías Hernández

Scale React Development with Nx

course by Juri Strumpflohner

Up and running with Svelte 3

course by Tomasz Łakomy

Migrate a Monorepo from NPM Workspaces to Turborepo

course by Alejandro Ñáñez

Architect an Extensible Digital Garden with Next.js, Tailwind, and Nx

course by Juri Strumpflohner

Create a new project with Svelte 3

lesson by Tomasz Łakomy

Get items in an ImmutableJS List

lesson by Taylor Bell

Calculate a sum using reduce in ImmutableJS

lesson by Taylor Bell

Updating nested values with ImmutableJS

lesson by Shane Osbourne

Create a list with nested reduce functions in ImmutableJS

lesson by Taylor Bell

Immutable.js: Introduction - Easing the Pains of Mutability

lesson by Erik Aybar

Create an immutable List using Immutable.js

lesson by Taylor Bell

Use Event Handlers in Svelte 2

lesson by Andrew Smith

Add data to HTML markup using Svelte 3

lesson by Tomasz Łakomy

Add styles to Svelte 3 component

lesson by Tomasz Łakomy

Declare and pass in properties to a Svelte 3 component

lesson by Tomasz Łakomy

Create a new Svelte 3 component to render it inside of another component

lesson by Tomasz Łakomy

Use reactive declarations to compute component state in Svelte 3

lesson by Tomasz Łakomy