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Build a Corgi Up-boop Web App with Netlify Serverless Functions and Hasura

course by Jason Lengstorf

Advanced Bash Automation for Web Developers

course by Cameron Nokes

Build a React App with the Hooks API

course by Andy Van Slaars

Joe's Blog Posts as Screencasts

course by Joe Previte

Test React Components with Enzyme and Jest

course by Tyler Clark

Deploy a Serverless API React Application with TypeScript

course by Jason Lengstorf

Confidently Testing Redux Applications with Jest & TypeScript

course by Jamund Ferguson

Schedule Timed Jobs on macOS with `launchd`

lesson by Cameron Nokes

Understanding how react-testing-library works with Kent C. Dodds

lesson by Joel Hooks

Using the Voiceover screen reader to test for accessibility

lesson by Marcy Sutton

Getting started with Jest using TypeScript

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Installing the AWS CLI on OS X and Linux

lesson by Will Button

Jest Snapshot Testing with React Storybook

lesson by Arunoda Susiripala

Create a Redux-Style Reducer Function

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Integration test a React component that consumes a Render Prop

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Unit test a React Render Prop component

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Navigate the Filesystem in Bash

lesson by Cameron Nokes

Install Enzyme and Configure Jest

lesson by Tyler Clark

Test Against Different React Releases with Enzyme

lesson by Tyler Clark

Shallow Render a React Component with Enzyme

lesson by Tyler Clark

Find Nodes from a Shallow Rendered Component

lesson by Tyler Clark