Ben Patton

Ben Patton

Ben loves to build cool things and share what he learns along the way.

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Use Infrastructure as Code with Architect to Deploy to AWS

tip by Ben Patton

Deploy Local Database Changes to Supabase Remote Through Github Actions

lesson by Ben Patton

Pull Remote Database Changes with Supabase

lesson by Ben Patton

Add Seed Data to Local Database with Supabase

lesson by Ben Patton

Link Local Database to Remote and Run a Migration with Supabase

lesson by Ben Patton

Start Supabase Locally and Create a Table

lesson by Ben Patton

Use Supabase CLI to Login and Init Project

lesson by Ben Patton

Generate a New NextJS with Supabase App

lesson by Ben Patton

Create a Supabase Account and Database

lesson by Ben Patton

Getting Started with Supabase Local Dev

course by Ben Patton

Use Infrastructure as Code with Architect to Deploy to AWS

lesson by Ben Patton

Refactor Create Deposit Api Route into a Next.js Server Action

lesson by Ben Patton

Refactor Next.js API Route for Deleting a Deposit Into a Server Action

lesson by Ben Patton

Refactor Invoice POST Handler to Next.js Server Action

lesson by Ben Patton

Refactor Next.js User Info Api Route into React Server Components

lesson by Ben Patton

Refactor React Invoice Client Components in Next.js

lesson by Ben Patton

CHALLENGE: Migrate Remaining Pages Api Routes

lesson by Ben Patton

Migrate UploadThing Route Handler to Next.js App Router

lesson by Ben Patton

Migrate Remaining Next.js Pages to App Router

lesson by Ben Patton

Migrate Invoice Routes to Next.js App Router

lesson by Ben Patton

Primer on Dynamic Routing in the Next.js App Router

lesson by Ben Patton