Start from a blank project and build up to an Eleventy site that includes a blog collection and is prepared to source content from a headless CMS. You'll also learn how to add Sass as the styling solution, complete with triggering 11ty to re-compile when the Sass changes.
These lessons will help explain key 11ty features and concepts to help you make the most of this amazing static site generator.
By the last lesson, you'll have learned how to:
and output
A Community Resource means that it’s free to access for all. The instructor of this lesson requested it to be open to the public.
Great course, but needs to be updated as some additional steps no longer required.
Just the right amount of info to get going. Easy to scan the video at first, then write the code and a nice summary at the end to check everything.
Very clear, with an essential takeway. Excellent diction too, which helps when you don't have english as your first language. The course also is essential in its content which is good and frustrating :) Very good work!
A little bit longer time spent on code view so I could follow along better. I had to stop and start and rewind a bunch. Not a huuuuge deal though. Very cool set of tutorials!
Excellent collection of videos. The only problem I see is that there is over-use of nanjucks templating logic within the markdown pages, instead of employing partials and/or individual layout templates (which I believe would be more standard in SSG's) thereby offering more separation of content and logic. Of course, this may be a question of taste, since the use of nunjucks logic inside a markdown file offers a very flexible "mdx" kind of approach and does show off eleventy's remarkable flexibility. I did love the simplicity of the lessons, however. A huge amount covered in a short space.
Quick and very informative, and provides a great entry to 11ty. Thanks.
A Community Resource means that it’s free to access for all. The instructor of this lesson requested it to be open to the public.