illustration for Creating Custom Web Elements with Polymer 2

Creating Custom Web Elements with Polymer 2


Joe Maddalone

38m closed-captioning
10 lessons
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Published 9 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

Polymer is a framework created at Google for building reusable web components.

We use HTML elements every day such as div, a, button, form, and table. All HTML elements provide some sort of API of attributes, properties, methods and events that we use to manipulate them. Generally, web elements are styled in a particular way by default, and also allow us to customize their styling with CSS.

Polymer allows you to build fully custom web elements of your own for more complex components composed of the building blocks you are used to with the standard set of HTML elements.

This course is an introduction to Polymer, and should get you started building your own customizable web elements that you can use on their own, or even with your favorite framework like Angular or React!