illustration for RTK Query Basics: Query Endpoints, Data Flow and TypeScript

RTK Query Basics: Query Endpoints, Data Flow and TypeScript

20m closed-captioning
9 lessons
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Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

Almost every React application needs to fetch data from a server and cache the result between renders.

Traditionally, in-memory API Caching is something that has been done in React applications either on a per-component-level, which lead to application state running out of sync, or using a global state like Redux, which required a lot of hand-written code.

RTK Query is part of the official Redux Toolkit and provides an application-global API cache that abstracts most of that hand-written code away, leading to a lot more readable code bases.

It also offers a lot of advanced features like auto-generated hooks

In this course, you will learn about

  • Using createApi to define multiple endpoints to interact with your API
  • The auto generated useQuery hooks and how to use them in your application
  • The RTK Query Dataflow and the role of the baseQuery function
  • The Redux Devtools “RTK Query” Monitor and which actions are flowing though your app
  • How to use RTK Query either with an ApiProvider or a pre-existing Redux store
  • Using RTK Query with TypeScript

Free Community Resource

A Community Resource means that it’s free to access for all. The instructor of this lesson requested it to be open to the public.

Course Content

20m • 9 lessons

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