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Write Custom Functions with the SCSS @function Directive
lesson by Ari Picker
Organize SCSS into Multiple Files with Partials
lesson by Ari Picker
Reuse Styles with the SCSS @extend Directive
lesson by Ari Picker
Write similar classes with the SCSS @for Control Directive
lesson by Ari Picker
Use Standard Built-in SCSS Functions for Common Operations:
lesson by Ari Picker
Reuse Styles with the SCSS @mixin Directive
lesson by Ari Picker
Use SCSS Variables for Readable and Maintainable Stylesheets
lesson by Ari Picker
Organize Styles with SCSS Nesting and the Parent Selector
lesson by Ari Picker
Transpile SCSS to CSS using node-sass
lesson by Ari Picker
Learn the Best and Most Useful SCSS
course by Ari Picker
Loop Over Data with the SCSS @each Control Directive
lesson by Ari Picker
The Basics of Generics in TypeScript
lesson by Ari Picker
Practical Generics in TypeScript
lesson by Ari Picker
Sharing Class Behavior with Inheritance in TypeScript
lesson by Ari Picker
Using Interfaces to Describe Types in TypeScript
lesson by Ari Picker
Union Types and Type Aliases in TypeScript
lesson by Ari Picker
Using Assertion to Convert Types in TypeScript
lesson by Ari Picker
Distinguishing between types of Strings in TypeScript
lesson by Ari Picker
Using Type Inference in TypeScript
lesson by Ari Picker
Introduction to Static Typing
lesson by Ari Picker
Creating a Class in TypeScript
lesson by Ari Picker