Dave Ceddia
A 10-year veteran of the software industry, Dave has been coding away since he was a kid. Currently an author, blogger, co-organizer of the Boston React meetup, and front end developer focused on React. He splits his free time between family and a constantly-shifting array of hobbies like music, aviation, and DIY projects.
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"Search Results
Use the rename Command to Re-number a Series of Files
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Analyze Git Logs with the Command Line
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Diagnose a Slow Page Using Developer Tools
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Hide the Implementation Details of a Context Provider
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Use a React Context Consumer Outside of the Matching Provider
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Use React Context to Display Notifications
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Use contextType to Consume Context in a React Class Without a Consumer
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Use the useContext Hook to Consume Context in Function Components
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Test a Component That Uses a React Context Consumer
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Test a Component That Uses a React Context Provider
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Performantly Render a Large List of Items with React Context
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Avoid passing props deeply by using React Context
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Pass Data With a Callback Through React Context
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Use Multiple React Context Providers in the Same App
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Introduction to React Context for State Management
lesson by Dave Ceddia
React Context for State Management
course by Dave Ceddia
Partially Commit a File with Git by Splitting It Manually
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Pass Props Through Multiple Levels With React's Context API
lesson by Dave Ceddia
Customize Create React App (CRA) without ejecting using react-app-rewired
lesson by Dave Ceddia