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Work with Models and Relations with Prisma Schema
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Perform basic database queries (CRUD) with Prisma Client
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Create an entry in the database with Prisma Client
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Build a full-stack app with Prisma
course by Xiaoru Li
Install and Set up Prisma for a New Project
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Set up and run a PostgreSQL instance locally with Docker Compose
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Deploy a project on Vercel (formerly ZEIT) from a GitHub repository
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Implement user Authentication in a Next.js app with Auth0
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Set up Auth0 in a Next.js app for user Authentication
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Fetch data from an API on the server-side with `getServerSideProps` in Next.js
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Statically generate dynamic routes in Next.js with `getStaticPaths` and `getStaticProps`
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Static Site Generation (SSG) in Next.js with `getStaticProps`
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Tips and Tricks
course by Xiaoru Li
Consume Next.js API routes with the SWR library on the client-side
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Build straightforward API with Next.js API routes
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Set up Chakra UI to work with Next.js
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Understand static and dynamic Page Routing in Next.js
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Introduction to Next.js 9
course by Xiaoru Li
Render the <head /> element dynamically in Next.js
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Initialize a Next.js 9 project with TypeScript
lesson by Xiaoru Li
Customize the PS1 Bash/Zsh Command Prompt in VS Code with Environment Variables
lesson by Xiaoru Li