In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the Postman UI to add query parameters to a URL. We'll walk through simply editing the URL in the address bar, then use the Query Parameters table fields to update the parameters by key and value.
Colby Fayock: [0:00] We're going to start off for the request in Postman where we're successfully requesting the details of Chewbacca. One of the features of the Star Wars API is we can include a URL parameter called format and set it to wookiee, and we can get all of our resources translated to wookiee.
[0:12] To test this, we can update our URL and add format=wookiee. If we hit Send, we can see that now our entire request is translated to wookiee, but if we also notice, when we added that URL parameter, we also updated the Params tab.
[0:25] We now have a Query Param with a key of format and a value of wookiee. That means that if we want to update this value, we can update it inside this table. If we wanted to stop translating to wookiee, we can uncheck this box and hit Send, and we can see that it's no longer applying the translation to our request.
[0:41] As another example, if we wanted to search through all the characters, we can go back to our Query Params, and we can click the KEY and add search and we can set a value which we can look for darth. If we hit Send, we can see that we get the results for darth including Darth Vader and Darth Maul.
[0:56] In review, we wanted to add a URL parameter to our request to translate request to wookiee. To do that, we can add the parameter straight to the URL. We can also use the query parameters table, where we can add our key, a format, and a value of wookiee, where we can see it update the URL, which updates our request.
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