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Setup a StackNavigator as a Modal in React Navigation

Spencer Carli
InstructorSpencer Carli
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In this lesson you will learn how to configure a StackNavigator to display its content as a modal that overlays any existing navigation structure in your application. We will accomplish this by using the StackNavigator’s configuration object and leveraging the mode and headerMode options.

Instructor: [00:00] Initially, our application is using a stacknavigator to render a home screen as well as a detail screen. Each one of these screens has a very simple component wrapped inside a safe-area view with buttons to navigate to the detail screen and then to go to the modal screen. Now, the modal screen doesn't work yet.

[00:17] The first thing we want to do to set that up is actually create a new screen, which will represent our modal screen. Just like our other screens, it's wrapped in safe-area view. It has a button. We can enclose the modal, and we'll handle the onPress once we actually render the screen.

[00:30] Now to actually render a modal which will bring a screen up from the bottom rather than the right-to-left or left-to-right, which is typical of stacknavigator, we're going to create a new navigator. We'll call this root navigator. This is also going to be a stacknavigator. Inside of here, we'll set our main app. Our main app is going to be our main app stack, which is currently what we're rendering.

[00:53] Our next screen is going to be the modal screen, which is going to be the modal screen that we just defined. Now as you can see, we've got these two navigation headers on top of each other. One of these navigation headers is coming from this root navigator stacknavigator, and the other is coming from the main app stack.

[01:09] To go ahead and remove the root navigator because we only want to use the main app stacknavigator's header, we can go ahead and pass a second argument to our stacknavigator function, which is an object. We can specific the header mode, which we want to set to none. This will go ahead and only render the top navigation bar from our main app stack.

[01:29] Now the other thing we want to do is actually specify how the navigator should open. We can do that by specifying the mode and setting it to modal. Now to go to our modal screen, what we can do is inside of our home go-to-modal button we can replace the onPress. We'll set it to navigation.navigate to modal. We just need to specify the actual key of our root screen that we want it to render.

[01:57] Now when we press go-to-modal, it'll open up the modal from bottom to top. We want to do the same thing for our detail screen. First, we'll want to import the navigation prop from props. Then we can say, "Navigation.goBack." Since we're going from one navigator to a different one, we'll want to pass the argument of null to go back.

[02:21] Now when we open the modal, we can go ahead and press close modal. Close the modal. We'll go to details. Again, we can go to the modal, and it'll override the entirety of the screen.