It’s possible to use React Transition Group alongside Styled Components. This can be useful should you want to use <CSSTransition>
but are also taking advantage of the Styled Components library. In this lesson, we are going to take a look at the styled-transition-group
library in order to achieve this.
Instructor: [00:00] In this example, we have a menu button which, when clicked, toggles the appearance of a menu using a transition with CSSTransition from react-transition-group. This example uses vanilla CSS to achieve the transition.
[00:18] Let's say instead we want to use styled-components to achieve the same thing. We will refactor our index.js and our index.css to use styled-components.
[00:30] First, we'll create a new file called "components.js." We'll grab all our CSS. We'll place it inside components.js. Now let's import styled from styled-components. What we need to do is turn these CSS blocks into styled-components.
[00:52] Here's an example with the toggler, which is a button. It becomes a Toggler component, which is a styled button. We pass it a template string. Let's apply the same principle to the rest of the CSS in this file.
[01:10] Now we have a Container component that contains our variables, the Toggler component, which accounts for the active state using props instead of a modifier class name, which is what we had before, and the List and ListItem components.
[01:28] In order to refactor our transition CSS, i.e., these four blocks, we need to make use of a separate package, styled-transition-group. Let's import that now.
[01:42] We'll import transition from styled-transition-group. This is going to allow us to use styled-components alongside react-transition-group.
[01:51] Now we can refactor our transition CSS. Now we have a Menu component with the styles as before. We're using a transition.div. The selectors here are slightly different to account for the library.
[02:09] Our styled-components are set up now. Let's head over back to our index.js, where we'll need to do some refactoring to account for styled-components. We're no longer going to need the imports to CSSTransition, class names, or index.css.
[02:28] Instead, we're going to import the styled-components that we just wrote. Down in our render, we're going to replace class names and elements with their corresponding styled-components names.
<[02:46] div className="container"> becomes Container. Let's apply that to the rest of the render method now. Now let's save and refresh. Now our example is working with styled-components.
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