New Remix projects can easily be created using the create-remix
CLI. In this lesson, you’ll run the following script in your terminal window npx create-remix@1.17.0 --template remix-run/indie-stack onewheel-blog
Once that is ran it’ll create the project and automatically run the dev server on port 3000.
Kent C. Dodds: [0:00] We'll start by running npx create-remix with the --template flag of remix-run/indie-stack and we'll create it in our onewheel-blog. We will say, "Yes. I want to install."
[0:17] We will keep the TypeScript. Now, we can cd into our onewheel-blog directory and run npm run dev, and that will get our dev server up and running on port 3000. If we go to localhost:3000, we are all set up.