Navigate through code faster in VSCode using Numbered Bookmarks

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Published 5 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

Numbered bookmarks will allow us to select a block of code, bookmark it and easily navigate back to it using the bookmark number.

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Numbered Bookmarks extension to navigate your code faster.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The default keyboard shortcut for adding a code bookmark is cmd+shift+# where # is a number from 0 to 9, This might interfere with other system's keyboard shortcuts like taking a screenshot cmd+shift+4 and cmd+shift+4. You can change the default one to shift+alt+#.

To navigate bookmarks you can use cmd+# where # is your bookmark number

Instructor: [0:00] First, let's go to the extension tab, type "numbered bookmarks," and then hit install. I already installed it.

[0:14] Let's say we have a very long code to edit, and we want to set some bookmarks to get back to them once we need them. For example, here I might mark this as bookmark one. You can see here my bookmark. I go somewhere and edit this, then go back to my bookmark using command + one, and change this accordingly.

[0:44] You can also add some more bookmarks to the code. If you do shift, option, and then number, you can navigate through them using command, and the number goes from one to nine.