illustration for Getting Started with Blitz.js

Getting Started with Blitz.js


Khaled Garbaya

13m closed-captioning
6 lessons
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Published 5 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

Blitz.js is a fullstack React framework built on top of Next.js inspired by Ruby and Rails.

It includes everything from the database to your frontend all inside a single app. Only one development server. Only one thing to deploy.

Instead of having an API Layer, it allows you to import server code into your frontend and call it like like a normal function.

You will have one thing to deploy to a server or serverless.

In this collection, you will learn how to get started with Blitz.js. After watching this collection you will be able to:

  • Create a new Blitzjs Project
  • Create Pages
  • Work with the database in your app

Free Community Resource

A Community Resource means that it’s free to access for all. The instructor of this lesson requested it to be open to the public.

Course Content

13m • 6 lessons