15 - 16
React Router v4 takes an entirely new approach to routing and handling URLs in your React applications. It fully embraces the concept of declarative programming and a component based development process. In practice, this turns out to be very nice and gives you a routing solution that is less configuration heavy than many previous solutions.
In this course, you will learn about the basics of React Router v4 to help you get started. We will look at the core components that React Router supplies and how they interact together to create a robust routing solution for your React applications.
This course clearly presents the core concepts of react-router-dom that are mostly still relevant in the latest version of the library. However, the study of resources beyond this course is a necessary step in implementing those concepts with the latest version of the library (v6).
I've used react router before but there are just details that even though I knew existed, I've never considered using like the prompt component or the to property as a function at a link and so I learned a lot, confirmed my knowledge and the best of all is that it was on chunk-able bits. Loved it
it's good, but getting a little dated. As of 2020-08-20, react-router-dom is @ v5.2.0 but the course is based on v4.0.0
Very well explained and everything is super clear!
Great course, concise and covers the basics well.
Simnplicity of most common used cases in real life
Learnt a lot of details about react router within no time!