illustration for ES6 and Beyond - JavaScript Tips and Tricks from ES2015 to ES2020

ES6 and Beyond - JavaScript Tips and Tricks from ES2015 to ES2020


Mike Sherov

10m closed-captioning
5 lessons
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Published 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago

Released in 2015, ES6 was a major update to the JavaScript language, providing many new powerful additions to the language. From arrow functions, classes, generators, and proxies to Promises and Modules, ES6 solved many of the languages problems with cleaner, more concise syntax and functionality.

Since then, a new version of JavaScript is released every year, providing even more power to JavaScript Developers:

ES2016 brings with it Array.prototype.includes, ES2017 has async and await, ES2018 adds new capabilities to regular expressions and async iterators, ES2019 has Object.fromEntries, Array.prototype.flat and flatMap, and ES2020 has dynamic imports, globalThis, and BigInt.

Staying up to date with the language as it evolves saves you from being stumped by new APIs and syntax! Learning ES6 and Beyond will ensure you can drop into any JavaScript codebase and have the best shot at being productive on day one.

Course Content

10m • 5 lessons

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