illustration for Getting Started with Recoil in React

Getting Started with Recoil in React


Chris Achard

16m closed-captioning
6 lessons
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Published 5 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

Recoil is a new (experimental!) library from Facebook that can handle complex shared data across a large react app.

In this course, we'll create a simple game with React using Recoil, to explore how you can share and update state across an app using Atoms and Selectors.

Recoil is similar to (but different than) Context, Redux, or other shared state libraries (like MobX), but is designed to handle large (and variable) numbers of state that can update without re-rendering your entire app's component tree.

What you'll learn:

  • Organize Atom and Selector files within an application
  • Share state throughout an application with Atoms
  • Set computed values with Recoil selectors
  • Create custom Recoil hooks for shared functionality
  • Handle async Atoms with React Suspense

Course Content

16m • 6 lessons

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