illustration for The Beginner's Guide to Vue 3

The Beginner's Guide to Vue 3

49m closed-captioning
23 lessons
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Published 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

Vue is a progressive framework for building UIs that allows you to incrementally integrate the technology into any existing project that you're working on. This makes it a great tool for you to learn as you can bring it anywhere.

This course is for learners just starting out in web development as well as for those who want to get up to speed on Vue 3 as fast as possible. You'll learn all the foundational skills of web development and how they are presented in Vue.

We will start with an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript file as to not distract you with any possible tooling that goes on top of the building websites with Vue.

You will incrementally build an app that sells comedy event tickets. In the end, you'll see how to deploy the application with Netlify Drag and Drop.

Whether you're looking to get up to speed with Vue 3 or want to learn the foundational concepts of developing websites with a modern tool, Kevin has you covered with this course.

What you'll learn:

  • Render data in Vue
  • Handle component state and computed properties
  • Filter data in components
  • Manage data flow throughout an application
  • Fetch data

Course Content

49m • 23 lessons

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