illustration for Write simple asynchronous code with JavaScript generators

Write simple asynchronous code with JavaScript generators


Max Stoiber

15m closed-captioning
6 lessons
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people completed
Published 8 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

Generators are a useful tool for handling asynchrony in your JavaScript applications. They were added to JavaScript with ES2015. When applied correctly they allow us to write asynchronous code that looks synchronous.

They also turn one of JavaScripts core paradigms on its head. Contrary to normal functions, generator functions can be paused and resumed at any arbitrary point in time with the yield keyword.

This course will walk you through the basics of generators so you’ll be able to use them in your applications without ripping your hair out!

Learner Reviews

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    What would make this course a 7 for you?

    I would like more examples. It was a nice introduction to the topic.

    mathias gheno
    4 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    well put together, generators are taxing but this was very simple and easy to understand building on generators and a basic example of usage with promise...yay! :)

    4 years ago
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    How will you use what you learned from this course?

    It's to know how generators worked but I don't understand their practical use case.

    5 years ago
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    What was your strongest take away from this course?

    I understood how to pass values back IN to a generator function. However, that last lesson on coroutines was a bunch of messy-looking code (to my eyes) without a real obvious practical application.

    5 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    I will suggest this tutorial to my friends whom they want to learn generators professionally.

    Thank you so much.

    Tehranjs egghead
    5 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    great course - easy to understand description thanks to doing it step by step. Something on async generators would be nice too

    6 years ago