Course Overview: Advanced Bash Automation for Web Developers

Cameron Nokes
InstructorCameron Nokes
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Published 6 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

In this course, we’ll dive deep into the automation potential of bash. We'll focus specifically on learning to leverage some common “hooks” that open up interesting automation possibilities: things like git hooks, adding functions and aliases to your bash_profile, and running scheduled jobs in launchd. For example, we’ll write a postmerge git hook that runs npm install automatically if package.json changed.

Along the way, you’ll also learn more advanced bash commands and syntax, like the exec command for advanced standard input and output redirection and timesaving tricks, like brace expansions.

This course is a follow-up to my previous course, Automate Daily Development Tasks with bash. If you’re looking for a beginner oriented introduction, I suggest starting there.

I hope you learn something from this course and that it sparks ideas on how to automate tasks in your daily life.

Instructor: [00:00] In this course, we'll dive deep into the automation potential of Bash. We'll focus specifically on learning to leverage some common hooks that open up interesting automation possibilities, things like Git hooks, adding functions and aliases to your Bash profile, and running scheduled jobs in launchd.

[00:17] For example, we'll write a post-merge Git hook that runs npm install automatically if package.json changed. Along the way, you'll also learn more advanced Bash commands and syntax, like the exec command for advanced standard input and output redirection, and time-saving tricks like brace expansions.

[00:35] This course is a follow-up to my previous course, Automate Daily Development Tasks With Bash. If you're looking for a beginner-oriented introduction, I suggest starting there. I hope you learn something from this course and that it sparks ideas on how to automate tasks in your daily life.

~ an hour ago

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