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Run a Flutter App on Android

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In this lesson we’ll learn how to create an Android emulator in Android Studio & run a Flutter project on an Android Emulator.

Instructor: [00:01] Before we can launch our app on an Android emulator, we first need to make sure we're connected to an Android emulator. To view the connected devices, we can run the Flutter devices command.

[00:11] Here you'll either see a list of connected devices or No Devices Detected if no devices are connected. To see a list of available devices, we can run Flutter emulators.

[00:24] Here I have two available Android emulators, the Pixel 2 and the Pixel XL. If you've never created an Android emulator using Android Studio, you may see no emulators listed. Let's look at how to create an Android emulator.

[00:41] To create an Android emulator, we'll first need to open our Flutter project in Android Studio. In Android Studio, open the toolbar and click on Tools, then Android, and then ABD Manager. Here you'll see a list of your available devices and a Create Virtual Device button to create a new device.

[01:08] Let's click on the Create Virtual Device button to see how to create a new device. Here we'll see a list of available devices. Click on a device that you'd like to create and click Next.

[01:21] Next, we can choose the system image we'd like to work with and then click Next. Now you can give your device a name and click Finish to create the device.

[01:33] Now that the new device has been created, we should now see the device listed when we run Flutter emulators. To launch the new emulator, we can run flutteremulators--launch and the name of the emulator.

[01:57] To run the application on the device, we can now run flutterrun.