In this lesson, you'll learn how to set up a GitHub account, create a new GitHub repository, and connect your local project with that new repository so you have a place to store and collaborate on your library code.
[00:00] The first thing that we're going to want to do is create a GitHub repo for this library. We'll go to our browser and go to If you don't have an account, you can sign up here.
[00:11] I do have an account, so I'll just sign in. Then, we'll go ahead and create a new repository. We'll call it "Star Wars Names," just the name of our library, and we'll say, "git-random Star Wars Name." We'll go ahead and create the repository.
[00:33] I'm just going to go ahead and copy this to the clipboard, and we'll paste it in. It'll run several of those commands and, then, we're ready to push.
[00:42] Just to explain what this actually does is it creates a new file called "," and adds "Star Wars Names" to the top. Then, it initializes the Git repository locally. We add the .readme that we just created.
[00:57] We commit with the message "first commit." We add the remote origin so, this repository. Then, we push it to master setting our upstream.
[01:07] If I refresh the browser, now, now we have our Star Wars Names and we have the .readme. We're all ready to go with a GitHub repository, and this is where we're going to be hosting our code and pushing our code.
[01:19] In review, you need to create a GitHub user. You create a new repository. Then, you follow the instructions to push your code to that repository. That's how you get started with GitHub.
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