In this video we learn how to deploy & host a React application on AWS using the Amplify Console. We also see how to do continuous deployment by kicking off new builds when changes are made to the master branch of our repository.
Instructor: [00:01] We'll first initialize a new React project by using Create React App. Next, we'll change into the new directory and initialize a Git repository. Next, we'll go into our Github account and create a new Github repository to hold our project.
[00:42] Once we've initialized the repository, we'll copy the link to our clipboard and go back to the command line. Next, we'll set the Git origin and push the code to our repo. Next, we'll open the AWS console and search for the AWS Amplify service. Here, we'll click get started to deploy a new project.
[01:24] For the repository service, we'll choose Github and then click next. Once we've authenticated with Github, we should now see a list of all of the available repositories in our account. Choose the repository we just created, the master branch, and then click next.
[01:47] We can accept all of the default app build settings, then click next, and then save and deploy. When the application is deployed successfully, you should now see a link in the amplify console that you can click to take a look at the new application.
[02:14] Next, let's make some changes to our application and then push the changes to the master branch to kick off a new build. To do so, open the project in your text editor and then open app.js. Here, I'll update line 11 to say, "Hello from Amplify."
[02:40] After the changes have been made, open your terminal and update the Git repository with the new changes. When we open the amplify console, we should now see that a new build has been kicked off. When the build is completed successfully, we should now be able to click on the link and view the new version of the application.
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