Create an iOS Release Build for the Apple App Store with EAS

Kadi Kraman
InstructorKadi Kraman
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Published 10 months ago
Updated a week ago

Create an iOS Release build for distribution.

This build gets submitted to the Apple and can only be installed via TestFlight or the App Store.

[00:00] A release build is the one that is installed by your end users from either the App Store or Testflight. From our easjson, we'll use the production profile. To sign a release build, we will need a distribution signing certificate and a distribution provisioning profile. You already have the distribution signing [00:19] certificate because this was used to sign the internal build, but we'll still need to create the distribution provisioning profile. Open the terminal and type EAS credentials. Choose iOS, and we'll want to set up credentials for that production profile. Log in to your Apple account, manage build credentials, [00:39] and choose set up all required certificates to build your project. This is asking if we're happy to reuse this distribution certificate, and let's say yes. This is asking if we'd like to create this distribution provisioning profile and let's say yes again. And now we have all the credentials [00:59] needed for creating a production build. Now in your terminal, type eas build platform iOS. We can omit the profile argument because EAS build already defaults to production. Log in to your Apple account. Email push notifications for now and start the build. And now we wait for the build to finish. Unlike [01:19] with the ad hoc build, this one can't be installed directly on your device. It can only be installed through test lite or app store.

~ an hour ago

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