Upload an Android App to the Google Play Store Automatically using Expo Publish

Kadi Kraman
InstructorKadi Kraman
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Published 9 months ago
Updated a week ago

Set up credentials to upload your Android build to Google Play automatically.

For automatic uploads, you'll need to set up all the app metadata on your Google Play account, including setting up app assets. You'll also need to configure and set up a Google Service Account.

๐Ÿ“ย Create a Google Service Account ๐Ÿ“ย Store Assets ๐Ÿ“ EAS Submit Docs

[00:00] In your Google Play console, go to dashboard and finish setting up your app. The prerequisite of being able to automatically upload to Google Play is to fill out all the required information about your app, including setting up your app store listing. You can use our store assets documentation on the Android to find a summary of the requirements for the [00:19] minimum assets needed for your store listing. After you filled everything in, go to publishing overview and send app for review. This review will only take a couple of hours. After this is done, go to internal testing and under your first build, go to promote release and promote it to close testing alpha. Ensure everything here [00:39] has been filled in and save. I'm obviously using an example up here, so this is how far I'm going to take it. But for your app, once all the metadata has been filled in, go to consolecloudgoogle.com/projectcreate. Log in with your Google account and create a project for your app. You can use an existing project if you already have one. From the side [00:59] menu, open up I'm an admin and service accounts. From here, click create service account. Fill out the service account name, ID, and optionally a description. When you're finished, click done. Now let's open up the service account. Go to the keys tab. Add a new key. Choose JSON here [01:19] and click create. Now this is a private key which you'll need to store securely. Now search for Android developer API and you should find this Google Play Android developer API and click enable. Now let's go back to the service account we created in Iamadmin service accounts and copy the email address that was created for it. Now [01:39] go to your Google Play console and under users and permissions, invite new users and enter the email address of the service account you created earlier. On the app permissions, select the app you want to give it access to. From here, you'll want to select the required permissions to upload and manage your app. So [01:59] edit and delete draft apps, everything under releases, and manage store presence and click apply and invite user. This service account we downloaded earlier now has permissions to upload apps to your Google Play account. So you should definitely store it in a secure place. I'm going to copy it into my [02:19] product directory and add it to git ignore so it wouldn't accidentally get committed. Now open up your ES JSON and under submit production, let's create a key for Android and let's add a service account key path, which points to the JSON file we just added. Let's also add track [02:39] internal. To say that we wanted this build uploaded to the internal testing track. Now in Google Play, you should have one release already. The one we uploaded manually, and this will have version 1.0.0 and the build number of 1. If you followed along with the previous video, you should already have an Android Play Store build with version number 1.0.0, but the version code or [02:59] build number 2. If not, make sure you have auto increment set to true under the production build profile and run EAS build platform Android dash dash auto submit. This will build your new Android app and automatically submit it. If you already have the build you want to submit, you can use EAS submit platform [03:18] Android. Select the build from EAS and submit it. Now I'm actually getting an error here, and this is because I never finished setting up my app assets on Google Play. But if you've done yours correctly, your app should get submitted here.

~ 32 minutes ago

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