With the project setup, we can now start our local instance of supabase. This gives us a local running version of the supabase studio that we can interact with.
We will create a table in called todos in the studio
[00:00] Now we can run MPX Supabase start. And this is where if you don't have Docker running, it will not work. So it's gonna pull all these images. Okay. Now that everything is set up, we can come to our browser and go to this URL for the studio URL. We can come to our table editor. Let's create a new table, and we'll call it to dos. It'll be an ID. We can remove the [00:19] created app, make this a UUID. Give it a text, be of type text. It should not be nullable. What good is it to do? It's nullable. And then if we add another column, we'll just call this one completed. And this will be a Boolean, and the default value will be false. Save. And with [00:39] that, we now have our local database running, and we've created a tape.