Use Supabase CLI to Login and Init Project

Ben Patton
InstructorBen Patton
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Published 8 months ago
Updated a week ago

With our project setup we will use our supabase dev dependency to run the supabase cli. We will login to our supabase account and then init the project locally.

To run supabase locally you need to have Docker installed and running on your computer. To install Docker and get it setup visit this link -

[00:00] We can run MPX super base login. And so it needs our access token. So we can find our access token if we come back to our organization. And under account, you'll see access tokens. And we'll need to generate a new token, and we'll call it to do's app access token. [00:19] And then we can copy that and back in our and paste your access token here. And so it won't show it, but the value is there. Then click enter, and then we are now logged in. And before we start local development, you need to make sure that Docker is running. So if you have Docker already installed, then you just need to go and start up Docker. If not, then you can come to their website, and [00:39] it'll give you the correct package that you need for installation here. So then just grab the one that's appropriate for your machine and install it, and you can go ahead and run npx Supabase init. Yes. So now we have our Supabase folder and it has all of the config information here.

~ 28 minutes ago

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