In order to display dynamic pages we need to create dynamic routes. With Vue Router we do this by writing the route path like this /craft/:id
. The :
prefix indicates the dynamic part of the route.
Instructor: [0:00] We're going to create a route that has a dynamic section. We're going to have path, and it's going to be /craft, and then the craft's ID. Now, to declare a dynamic section, we prefix it with a colon, and then give the variable name that the dynamic section will be assigned to.
[0:17] We then do everything like we've done before. We'll have name, which is going to be our individual craft, and they we'll have a component, which is going to be craftView. We're going to import craftView from '@/components/CraftView.vue.'
[0:36] Let's create that craftView. I will say, craftView.vue. The first thing I want to check is I can get access to the variable name. I'll create a template for my craftView, and I'll say, "The craft ID is." To access the dynamic portion, we would use the $route, which gives us access to the global route object. Specifically, we're going to find the parameters on that, and then we want to get access to the ID.
[1:05] Let's check this out in our application. Now if I go to craft/test, the craft ID is test, because that dynamic portion, test, has been assigned to the ID parameter, and that parameter is rendered to the view.