Course Overview: Using WebAssembly with Rust

Nik Graf
InstructorNik Graf
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Published 6 years ago
Updated 5 years ago

The goal of this course is to explain how to setup a project using JavaScript and WebAssembly with Rust.

We start out with building our first WebAssembly module and loading it. Then we gradually build up until to a point where we use wasm-bindgen to invoke functions and pass data between JavaScript and Rust without a hassel.

Further we explore various tools like wasm-pack to build our Rust code with ease and use them in combination with Node or Webpack.

Instructor: [00:01] WebAssembly defines a binary format and a corresponding Assembly-like text format for executable code that can run in web pages, and that with a near-native performance. It is also designed to run alongside Javascript, allowing both to work together.

[00:18] WebAssembly's major goal is to allow developers improving the performance of certain parts of their application to, in the end, improve the user experience. The best part, WebAssembly is a standard, and supported by all major browsers.

[00:35] While many languages still work out a compilation story to WebAssembly, Rust is ready for prime time. Rust is a relatively new language, and a great replacement for C and C++. In addition to that, the Rust WebAssembly team is working already on sophisticated tools, like wasm-bindgen, to make the interoperability seamless.

[01:00] In this course, we start from the beginning, demonstrate how to load a module, and then gradually build up until to a point where we use wasm-bindgen to invoke functions and pass data between Javascript and Rust without a hassle.

[01:16] Further, we explore various tools, like wasm-pack, for example, to build our Rust code with ease, and use them in combination with Node or webpack. I hope you enjoy this course, and I would appreciate your feedback.

~ 6 minutes ago

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