Leverage New Features of React 16
Error Handling using Error Boundaries in React 16
Render Multiple Elements without a Wrapping Element in a Component in React 16
Render Text Only Components in React 16
Render Elements Outside the Current React Tree using Portals in React 16
Define DOM Attributes in React 16
Call setState with null to Avoid Triggering an Update in React 16
Render Multiple Elements using React.Fragment and the JSX Fragment Syntax <> in React 16.2
Create a DOM reference using createRef in React 16.3
Forward a DOM reference to another Component using forwardRef in React 16.3
Update State Based on Props using the Lifecycle Hook getDerivedStateFromProps in React16.3
Capture values using the lifecycle hook getSnapshotBeforeUpdate in React 16.3
Pass Data through a Component Tree using Context Providers and Consumers in React 16.3
Simplify React Apps with React Hooks
Introduction to Refactoring a React Application to React Hooks
Refactor a Class Component with React hooks to a Function
Handle Deep Object Comparison in React's useEffect hook with the useRef Hook
Safely setState on a Mounted React Component through the useEffect Hook
Extract Generic React Hook Code into Custom React Hooks
Track Values Over the Course of Renders with React useRef in a Custom usePrevious Hook
Refactor a React Class Component with useContext and useState Hooks
Refactor a render Prop Component to a Custom React Hook
Handle componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount in React Component Refactor to Hooks
Dynamically Import React Components with React.lazy and Suspense
Preload React Components with the useEffect Hook
Build an App with React Suspense
Build an App with React Suspense: Intro and Setup
Import Components Lazily with Suspense React.lazy
Catch Errors with a React Error Boundary Component
Understand How React.lazy Communicates Loading Status to Suspense and Error Boundaries
Wrap Fetch Requests to Communicate Pending, Error and Success Status to React Suspense
Separate API Utility Functions from React Components
Track Async Requests with React's useState Hook
Enable Suspense Features with Experimental Concurrent Mode using ReactDOM.createRoot
De-prioritize NonUser-Blocking Updates with React useTransition's startTransition Function
Bypass Receded Views with React useTransition's timeoutMs Option
Display Loading States Conditionally with React.useTransition's isPending Boolean
Delay the Appearance of a Loading Spinner with CSS in React
Get Previous Resource Values with React’s useDeferredState Hook
Hoist React Component State
Avoid this Common Suspense Gotcha in by Reading Data From Components
Coordinate Fallback Rendering with the React SuspenseList Component
Reveal Suspense Components in Order with SuspenseList's revealOrder Prop in React
Avoid Too Many Spinners with React SuspenseList’s tail Prop
Pass React Components a useTransition-Wrapped, State-Setting, Callback
Augment React Resource JSON with Custom Properties
Extract Reusable React Components with an As Prop, Render Props, and React.Fragment
Connect a New Endpoints in a React Suspense App
Provide Suspensified Data to React Components with Context and useContext