illustration for Reusable State and Effects with React Hooks

Reusable State and Effects with React Hooks


Elijah Manor

57m closed-captioning
13 lessons
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people completed
Published 6 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

Previously, in order to add state or side-effects in React you had to create a Class Component. However, with the introduction of the Hooks proposal, you can now add state and effects to a Function Component. In addition, you can extract your hook logic and create a custom hook that can be shared across your app.

As I introduce the concepts of React hooks, I'll apply those concepts in various demos to see how they apply in different scenarios. I'll be converting Class Components to Function Components so you can see how they relate to each-other.

By the end of this course, you'll learn how to:

  • Run (and Skip) side-effects with the useEffect hook
  • Write a custom hook to share logic in your app
  • Simplify the Context API with the useContext hook
  • Update state with dispatch actions using the useReducer hook
  • Optimize Components with useMemo

Learner Reviews

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    What did you like about this course?

    Well explained and fantastic content, really appreciated this tutorial.

    Marcell Ciszek
    5 years ago
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    What would make this course a 7 for you?

    I really like the way Elijah describes what he's going to do. I like little things like the way he writes out the conditions for update in hooks before going into the callback details. I like a lot of what he's done here, including his examples and the continuity in how he explains things the same way each time.

    Like most videos on a specific piece of technology, it moves a little fast at times and doesn't fully explain the 'why' before the 'how.' Often, these videos will say "lets update this to do this other thing" but don't explain why someone would do that. It's hard to understand the value, let alone the method if the purpose is unclear. The purpose gives the method a lot of context. At least it does for me.

    5 years ago
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    How will you use what you learned from this course?

    Thanks. I understand more about hooks. It just opened cool possibilities of the next React development.

    5 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    Great ready examples, clear explanation, go through the foundations and add more to make you a better react developer

    Niv B
    5 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    Everything is very well explained. I love the way when the teacher explains everything while modifying the code. Just can say, I like more and more lessons like this. Thank you so much.

    Mimi Nguyen
    5 years ago
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    What was your strongest take away from this course?

    It would be great to share the initial code base per each lecture.

    5 years ago