Create a Flat Surface and attach a component to it in React 360

Tomasz Łakomy
InstructorTomasz Łakomy
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Surfaces allow you to add 2D interfaces in 3D space, letting you work in pixels instead of physical dimensions. Currently there are two different shapes of Surfaces supported by React 360: Cylinder and Flat.

A Flat Surface places your 2D interface on a flat plane in space, like a virtual screen. Though a Cylinder Surface is always positioned in front of the user, a Flat Surface can be moved around in space – this is useful for scenarios where you want to have multiple panels arranged around the user, like a multi-monitor setup in virtual space.

In this lesson we are going to learn how to create a Flat Surface with a <Flag/> component attached to it.

Instructor: [0:00] The second type of a surface available in React 360 is the flat surface. We're going to use it to create a flag component, and we're going to display this component on a flat surface somewhere over here.

[0:09] First up, create a components directory, and inside of it, create a flag.js. Next, import React from React, as well as import asset, stylesheet, and image from React 360. We're going to create a new class, we're going to call it flag, and we're going to extend it from react.component.

[0:27] We're going to render a flag component, so we're going to destructure flag from styles, and we're going to render an image. We're going to set the styles to flag, and we're going to set the source to whatever was provided in the props.

[0:41] Let me just create a stylesheet object. We're going to have a stylesheet, and the flag is going to have a height of 400 and a width of 600. In order to use this component inside of the runtime, we need to first register it.

[0:53] We need to go to index.js, and here, we are registering the travel VR component. Because this component has been registered, it's available to be used in client.js. This is where our runtime lives. What we need to do is we have to register a flag component, and we need to import it as well.

[1:10] I'm going to import flag from components flag. Let me save that, and we're going to jump into client.js. Over here, create a new flat surface. I'm going to do const myFlatSurface, and it's going to be a new surface of 600 by 400.

[1:29] I'm going to set the surface, surface shape of flat. Now, I need to render a component to it. I'm just going to copy and paste this bit. Let me just do it like this. I don't want to render a travel VR component. I want to render the flag component, and I would like to render it to my flat surface.

[1:47] Over here, we can provide the props that we would like to pass into the flag component. I'm going to pass in an image prop, and I'm going to set it to flag italy.png. Now, and if I save and refresh that, we are not going to see the flag.

[1:59] The reason it happens is that we haven't specified where exactly we want to display this flat surface. Both flat and cylinder surfaces are displayed four meters away from the user, but in the case of the flat surface, we need to specify at which angle we want to display this flat surface.

[2:14] What we're going to do is that we're going to do myFlatSurface, setAngle. This function takes two arguments, how much we want to rotate our flat surface left and right, and how much we want to rotate it up and down.

[2:25] We can specify it in both radians and in degrees. I'm going to start with radians. I would rotate this by math by four. The second number, the pitch angle, is going to be equal to zero. There you go. We can see the flat surface over here.

[2:39] If I wanted to, I can get rid of radians, because those are not intuitive. I can change it to 45 degrees, and I have exactly the same effect. If I were to modify the pitch angle to be also equal to 45, I would get the result of this flag of Italy displayed over here.

[2:55] The main difference between a flat surface and a cylinder surface is that a flat surface is not curved. If I were to look at this flat at an angle, what I'm going to see is that there's a slight distortion over here. Whereas with a cylinder surface, no matter which way I look, I am going to see this component in exactly the same way.