Creating a component with React on Rails

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Published 8 years ago
Updated 6 years ago

Learn how to add a simple React component to a brand new Rails app with React on Rails installed. You will see how to add your React component to a Rails view, including the passing of values from the controller to your React component.

John Korzhuk
John Korzhuk
~ 8 years ago

Great video! Should we expect to see more on React on Rails?

Justin Gordon
Justin Gordoninstructor
~ 8 years ago

Great video! Should we expect to see more on React on Rails?

I'm working on the same essential video using redux! Please comment on what else you'd like to see about React on Rails.

Shoaib Bhimani
Shoaib Bhimani
~ 8 years ago

I would like to see more tutorials on React on rails

John Korzhuk
John Korzhuk
~ 8 years ago

I'd love to see a small project built out w/ Redux & React Router.

Justin Gordon
Justin Gordoninstructor
~ 8 years ago

Great feedback. Yes, it's in the plans!

~ 8 years ago

For anyone following along with the tutorial, make sure you have the latest version of ruby-gems installed. I believe the latest version is 2.6.10. I had 2.5.1 previously and was getting an error when I tried to run the foreman process.

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