Create Figma Color Styles to Reuse Across Frames

Joe Previte
InstructorJoe Previte
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Published 6 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

In this video, you will learn how to create Color Styles, or a color palette so that you can reuse colors across various frames in your project in Figma.

Instructor: [00:00] As always, let's create a new frame where we'll store our color palette. Select the frame tool, and then next to the typography system, let's draw a frame. Let's call this colorPalette. Let's establish what our primary color is.

[00:21] Let's use the text tool, and we will use our paragraph style from earlier. We'll type primary, and then we will duplicate that by holding alt, clicking, and dragging, and say secondary. We'll use these to establish our primary and secondary colors.

[00:44] Now, let's select the shape tools, and then select the lips. We will hold shift, and then click and drag a small circle. Then we'll head over to fill and select our primary color. In this case, I'm going to be using this blue.

[01:03] To turn it into a color style that we can reuse across our project, we're going to click the four dots on the fill menu. Then we're going to hit plus to create a style. We'll call this awesomeApp, and then we'll put a slash, which I'll explain in a second, and write primary.

[01:24] When I put the slash, that allows you to group styles. Notice here how I have awesomeApp, and then the color that we just established. Versus in other projects, I can group them in a different area. Let's go ahead and make our secondary color.

[01:41] Click the blue circle, and then hold alt, click, and drag. Now, we're going to detach this style. Then we're going to click the fill, and choose a different color. In this case, I'm going to use a pink color. Then we're going to repeat the same steps from earlier.

[01:58] We'll click the four dots, click plus, and then we'll write awesomeApp/secondary so that it's grouped with our awesomeApp color styles. Great. Now, you'll see that we have our primary and our secondary color inside of the group of color styles, under awesomeApp.

[02:19] You'll notice on the right side, Figma does an awesome job of letting you know what color styles you have available in this project. In our case, we have our primary, which is the blue, and then our secondary, which is this pink.

[02:32] Let's go ahead and try using these. If we select the button component, you'll notice Figma is telling us that this is an instance, and not the master component. Let's go to the master component. Then let's select the rectangle layer, and change the fill using the four dots, and selecting our primary color, which in this case, is this blue.

[02:57] Now, let's go back to our page that we were originally working on. Let's scroll down, and see if our buttons have changed. You'll notice that they have. Last, let's use our secondary color style to change the title of our app, awesomeApp.

[03:17] If we select it, and then go the fill menu on the right, select the four dots, and select the pink, it'll change and use that color style. Let's say we want to change the primary and secondary colors for our project.

[03:31] First, let's select the color, then select the style, and then select the sliders to edit the style. Let's change this to a darker blue. Let's close that, close the style menu. Now, let's see if our button has changed. You'll notice that it has.

[03:53] By creating a color palette and using color styles in Figma, you're able to easily change the colors throughout your project by modifying them in one place.

Peter Cruckshank
Peter Cruckshank
~ 2 years ago

Wow to think this whole time I had no idea you could re-use typography and the color palette like that! I've just been picking from recent project colors the whole time 😂

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