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Install Plugins for Transforming Markdown with Gatsby

Taylor Bell
InstructorTaylor Bell
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Published 6 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

Gatsby makes use of various plugins for building static sites. Here we will install gatsby-source-filesystem and gatsby-transformer-remark to work with locally stored Markdown files.

Instructor: [00:00] In order to have Gatsby convert our markdown into our site, we're going to need to install a couple of plugins. Let's do NPMinstall--save gatsby-source-filesystem@next and gatsby-transformer-remark@next.

[00:15] Once that's installed, we're going to create a new file called gatsby-config.JS, which contains some configuration for Gatsby in a J.S. file. We'll do module.exports. We'll provide a site metadata key, give it a title of my blog, and description of, this is my cool blog.

[00:40] Now that we have the site metadata object created, we'll add an array of plugins. First, we'll do gatsby-transformer-remark. Now we'll use an object because we're going to need to pass some options.

[00:53] We'll resolve our plugin gatsby-source-filesystem. Then it can take an options object with a name. We'll call it pages. Its path will be in our current directory, so we'll do a string template with double underscore dirname/SRC/pages.