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Organize React Components in a Gatsby Project

Taylor Bell
InstructorTaylor Bell
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Published 6 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

Clean, well-organized code is good for everyone. In this lesson we will extract the Header component out of the main page layout and into its own file in a new components directory.

Instructor: [00:00] We have our layout component and a little header that we've made, but this file's starting to get a little bit crowded. Let's reorganize it a little bit. I'm going to pull the header, and the title and description subcomponent out into a separate directory.

[00:12] We're in the pages directory right now. I'm going to go up one. Then I'm going to create a new components directory. Now we have components and pages, and we're going to create a header.js file in the components directory.

[00:22] Now that we have the header file open, we can start pulling some of the pieces over from our layout component. I yanked everything over that we needed, and we'll write the header file. Back in our index.js file, I can go ahead and remove all the stuff that I brought over.

[00:36] Now I can import header from our components directory. Inside of our header JS file, it's important to remember to export. We can see that our page still loads as expected.

~ 6 years ago

I think it would be a lot better to just pass title and description props to the TitleAndDescription component instead of the whole data object.

Ender Akay
Ender Akay
~ 6 years ago

import { StaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby' is not needed in the index.js

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