Set up Yarn Workspaces for Gatsby Theme Development

Jason Lengstorf
InstructorJason Lengstorf
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Learn how to structure folders and configure Yarn workspaces to make the development of Gatsby themes easy.

In this lesson, we'll create two workspaces: gatsby-theme-events and site.

We will see how each workspace can be run separately as well as one depending on the other. In this case, gatsby-theme-events will be a dependency in our site project

For a written version of this course, check out the Gatsby docs.

Instructor: [00:01] In an empty directory, create a package.json. Inside the package.json, you're going to set private to true. Then you're going to set up your workspaces. This is an array of folder names. We're going to have two packages in this workspace. The first one is going to be called gatsby-theme-events. The second one will be called site.

[00:31] Next, we're going to create folders for our packages. The first one is going to be called gatsby-theme-events. It's going to need its own package.json. We'll also need site with a package.json.

[00:48] Inside the package.json, we're going to set up our theme. We need a name. This one is going to call it gatsby-theme-events. It's going to have a version. That version will be 1.00Then it's going to need a license. We'll set the license. Use the MIT license for now.

[01:12] Because this will be installed as a package, we have to provide a main file, which we'll mark as index.js. In order to resolve properly, that file does need to exist. For now, we're going to create an index.js. We just leave a little comment to let people know that it was left blank on purpose.

[01:34] In the site package.json, we're going to set it to private because we're not actually going to publish this site as an npm package. We're also going to give it a name, which is going to be site. This is what we refer to when we use a workspace.

[01:48] Next, we're going to set a version. That version will again be 1.00Then we will set a license. That license will be the MIT license. We're also going to want scripts here. For our scripts, we want to have a build script. This is going to run the gatsby build command. We want a develop script. This will run gatsby develop. Finally, a clean script. This runs gatsby clean.

[02:23] We want these to be available in both our theme and our site. We can copy-paste this over to our theme. Next, we can open up the terminal. We're going to install dependencies. To do this, instead of using the standard yarn add, we're going to use yarn workspace and then the package name, site, and add.

[02:50] We want Gatsby, React, and ReactDOM, as well as our theme. We're going to install gatsby-theme-events. The reason that we use the @* is because we want the workspace to pick up an unpublished theme.

[03:14] Now that the installation is complete, we can see that it is referencing gatsby-theme-events. If we run yarn workspaces info, we can see that the site is using the gatsby-theme-events from the workspace.

[03:33] Our theme needs to have Gatsby, React, and ReactDOM added as peer dependencies. We'll do yarn workspace gatsby-theme-events. Add with the -P to mark it as a peer dependency. React, ReactDOM, and Gatsby.

[04:01] During development, we're going to use our theme as a regular Gatsby site. We'll also set it up as a development dependency using -D. Once these finish installing, we can check our package.json and see that we have Gatsby, React, and ReactROM set up as both peer dependencies and dev dependencies.

[04:27] To make sure that everything's working, we can just go ahead and start up Gatsby in development mode. We'll start with the site, yarn workspace site develop. This will start our Gatsby server in develop.

[04:42] We don't have any content here. It's going to be an empty site, but we can grab out localhost 8000. We can go out to our browser and paste this up. We can see that Gatsby's running. There's no pages yet. Again, it's just going to give us this 404, but we can see that it's working.

[04:59] Let's do the same thing with the theme, so gatsby-theme-events run develop. Now we can see here's localhost 8000 again. If we come back out and refresh the page, again we get that 404. Gatsby's running. It just needs some content.