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Manage side-effects in a React Component with the useEffect hook

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Published 5 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

Another piece to the web application puzzle is managing side-effects of our user’s interactions. In this lesson we’ll be interacting with the browser’s localStorage API, but this same thing would apply if we’re interacting with a backend server, or the geolocation API, or anything else that needs to happen when the state of our component changes.

You’ll learn how to use React’s useEffect hook to manage the side-effect of saving state into localStorage, and also how to re-synchronize our application with the stored value in localStorage. Learn more about viewing localStorage in the Chrome DevTools.

Instructor: [0:00] I want to be able to type in here some value and have that saved in localStorage so that when I refresh the page, that value will be retrieved from localStorage and be loaded into the input.

[0:11] This is called a side effect, and in react, to do this, you use react useEffect. This is another hook, like useState. This function will be called every time the greeting component is rendered.

[0:23] Anytime the greeting component is rendered, we're going to say window.localStorage.setItem -- we'll call it name in localStorage, and we'll set it to the value of name. If we save that, and then open our dev tools and in the application tab here, we can go to localStorage, and we'll see that there's nothing in there.

[0:45] Then we can type a name, and we'll see that the name gets updated in localStorage with whatever the current value for that name variable is.

[0:54] You'll notice that if I refresh here, I'm not getting that name value loaded into my input, and the value in localStorage is getting cleared. This is because we initialize our state to an empty string, and we don't take the localStorage value into account.

[1:09] Then, because we've rendered, we run this callback, updating the localStorage item for name to that new empty string name. We need to initialize that value to whatever's in localStorage if it's there, and an empty string if it's not.

[1:23] Here we'll say window.localStorage.getItem(name), and if that returns null because there's nothing in there, then we'll default that to an empty string. We save that. We type a name. We hit refresh, and we notice that the value in localStorage is still consistent.

[1:43] We notice the value right here is correct, but the name input does not have the name in there. We need to specify what the value for the input should be. We specify a value of name.

[1:57] Now when we save this, we'll get a refresh, and now the value is the same value that's in localStorage and in memory for the state of our react component. We'll notice that as we change this and refresh, we always get that value from localStorage, and we keep that value updated in localStorage as well.

[2:16] In review, to make all this work, we first used react useEffect to set the name value in localStorage to the name value in our state in memory. Then, to have our state in memory be initialized from localStorage, we used Window.localStorage.getItem(name), and if there is nothing in there, then we'll initialize it to an empty string as a default.

[2:37] Then, to make sure that the input is showing the same value for the name as a name in memory, we specified a value prop, changing this input from an uncontrolled to a controlled input.