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Use the key prop when Rendering a List with React

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Published 5 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

It doesn’t take long working with React before you want to render a list of items and when you do, you’ll inevitably encounter this console warning: “Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique key prop.” This warning is pretty simple to silence by providing the bespoken key prop, but it is really useful to understand what that warning is about and the bugs that can happen if you do not address the warning properly.

In this lesson we’ll see a demo of this problem and understand a situation that can happen when we don’t handle it properly. We’re using inputs in this example, but the same thing can happen for your own components that maintain state. You definitely do not want to ignore this warning.

Kent C. Dodds: [0:00] Here we have an app that's managing some items. We can add items and remove items. We have a fixed set of items that can be added or removed, and we have a button to add additional items, which is disabled when we've added all of our items, and then we iterate over the items that we have and render a list item for each of those.

[0:22] Here we have remove buttons for each one of these, then the item name itself, and an input with that item in it. When we render this, we're going to get this waning that says, "Each child in a list should have a unique 'key' prop."

[0:36] What that's talking about is any time you render an array of React elements, in our case we're rendering these <li>s, each one of those React elements must have a key prop associated with it so that React can track these appropriately over time.

[0:50] Don't be fooled by the syntax. There's nothing really magic going on here. What we're doing is we're taking an array of strings, we're mapping over that array of strings, and turning that array of strings into an array of React elements. Specifically, in our case, these are <li> elements.

[1:05] That's the case where you need to have a key prop for every React element in the array. We're seeing this warning because we don't. To fix this warning is pretty simple. We look at the items that we're iterating over. That is this array right here. Each one of those items has an id that uniquely identifies the item. We're going to use that id as the key prop.

[1:29] Here, we'll say key = {item.id}. If we save this, we don't get that warning anymore. I'm not a huge fan of changing my code just to make warnings go away. I like to understand why that warning is there in the first place. That's why we have this contrived example for me to show you.

[1:47] Here, we have a list of each one of these items, where the item itself is the label and then the default value for the input is the item as well. Then we can remove these and add them. As I removed them, if you watched carefully, you might have noticed an interesting bug.

[2:02] If I click on remove here and remove and remove and remove, everything works out just fine. If I remove from the beginning, now we're having orange being associated to the apple. Grape is associated to orange. Pear is associated to grape. That's interesting.

[2:18] If I remove from the middle here, now we have pear is associated to orange. Orange is associated to apple. Things are all kinds of messed up. This is the bug that the key prop helps you to avoid.

[2:29] If you consider what happens when we click this remove button or this add button, then this strange behavior will make sense. When we click on removeItem, for example, if we try to remove the grape, then that goes into this code right here, which calls setItems. That sets the items to the same list of items that we had before, except we're filtering out the item that you were trying to remove.

[2:52] This call to setItems is going to trigger a re-render of our app. The app is going to come down here. We're going to create these React elements. We're going to iterate over this list of items, which now has one less item than it had before. We're going to hand that off to React so that it can update the DOM appropriately.

[3:10] The way React updates the DOM is it has a reference to the JSX elements that you gave it the last time it rendered this app component. It compares those React elements with the new React elements that you just returned at this time. Then it updates the DOM accordingly.

[3:24] When you're giving it an array of React elements, unless React has some sort of identifier to know which element is which, it doesn't know whether you removed an element or maybe you added three and removed four or maybe you changed the order and just removed the first one.

[3:39] It doesn't have any insight into what it is that you did to this array of React elements between the last time it rendered and this time. Any time you're rendering an array of React elements, you need to give it a key so that it can determine whether elements were removed, added, or modified.

[3:57] That's why providing a unique key for each one of these items is going to fix this problem. Now, if we click remove on the grape, all of the inputs and their labels are correct.

[4:08] You'll notice also that if you try to provide some-key where it's the same key for each one of these, you're going to get a warning there because it encountered two children with the same key. Keys need to be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted -- the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.

[4:32] Hardcoding a specific key that's duplicated across these elements could lead to some very unexpected behavior, and we still experience that bug that we had before. The key that you provide for each element of this array of React elements needs to be unique to the item that you're rendering. Typically, that's going to be some sort of id, as in our case.

[4:56] Another mistake that I see people make sometimes is they try to use the index as the key. While you get rid of the warning, you do not get rid of the bugs. That's because as React is comparing the previous version with the new version, what you're saying is the element that was at index four is actually now at index three, but React doesn't know that.

[5:17] It maintains the state for this input to be the same as the one that was at index three the last time rather than being the one that was in index four last time. It's important that you keep the key as something that's unique to the item that this element in the array is representing.

[5:36] Here's another little demo that I have at the bottom of this file. I'm just going to uncomment that. We'll save this. We'll get a refresh. In this example, we have those items. Every 1,000 milliseconds, we have this interval that shuffles those items and triggers a re-render with that shuffled version of the items. We randomize the items every time.

[5:57] We have three versions of this, one that renders those items as inputs without a key, another that renders those items with inputs with the key of index, and then the last that renders those items with an appropriate key. You'll notice that they're all updating correctly, meaning that they're all jumping around the screen as they should, but the focus is not updating correctly.

[6:22] I'm focused on apple right now. When that one moves, my focus doesn't go around with apple. Also, if I try to highlight one of these, then my highlight goes away as well. You'll notice that the With Key as Index suffers from the exact same problem. Even though it's not getting the warning in the console, you're still not fixing this bug.

[6:42] Only when you have a key in there will your focus travel around with the input that it's associated with, because React is able to determine where to move the focus as your component updates.

[6:55] In review, it's common in React to take an array and map that array to an array of elements and render that directly in your JSX. When you do that, it's important that you add a key to the root React element of each element in the array so that React can track changes over time and make sure that it preserves the state of each element in the array and its descendants.