Jamund Ferguson

Jamund Ferguson

Jamund is a UI Engineer that has a passion for sharing his journey and knowledge with others.

Throughout his career, Jamund benefitted from learning the technologies that were vital to business as well as keeping up with the industry. He has been able to leverage what he learns into opportunities that have propelled his career forward.

As a self-taught engineer, he wants to share as much knowledge as he can so others can level up their own careers as he has with himself.

illustration for Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit (RTK) and TypeScript

Jamund Ferguson • Course • 40m

Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit (RTK) and TypeScript

Learn how Redux Toolkit simplifies the process of setting up and maintaining your redux application when building slices, reducers, selectors, and thunks.

Learn Redux for 2021 and Beyond

Learn Redux for 2021 and Beyond

Redux was first released in 2015, since it's release it has had a staying force in the community as it continues to be one of the most popular libraries to manage application state. Having a single source of truth and ways to update it in a pure fashion makes Redux a great choice for managing your application as it grows.

Learn what Redux looks like in the modern era with React hooks and Redux Toolkit.

illustration for Apply Redux to a Modern React Hooks Application
Jamund Ferguson • Course • 42m

More from Jamund

illustration for Recreating Popular JavaScript Utility Methods from Lodash
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Learn common JavaScript patterns through implementing various lodash functions. You'll be prepared for your next technical job interview!

illustration for Build a REST API with Express 5 and node 14
Jamund Ferguson • Course • 28m

Learn how to build a simple REST API to store notes using the latest built-in node features including native ES modules, the fs/promises API, async/await, and more!

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Search Results

Delete Unused Redux Code After Migrating to RTK Query

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Debug RTK Query Applications with the Redux DevTools Chrome Extension

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Prefetch Data in Response to User Interactivity with RTK Query's usePrefetch hook

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Prefetch Data in RTK Query using an Endpoint's initiate() Method

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Customize Query and Mutation Headers in RTK Query with prepareHeaders

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Undo an Optimistic Update in RTK Query with queryFulfilled

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Perform Optimistic Updates in RTK Query by Dispatching the updateQueryData Action

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Refetch Data on Focus And Reconnect with RTK Query's setupListeners

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Invalidate RTK Query Cache Entries Automatically using providesTags and invalidateTags

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Invalidate the RTK Query Cache using keepUnusedDataFor

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Manually Refetch Data After an RTK Query Mutation with unwrap() and refetch()

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Migrate a Thunk in a Redux Application to an RTK Query Mutation

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Access the RTK Query Cache in a Memoized Selector Using an Endpoint's select() Method

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Transforming RTK Query Data before Caching with transformResponse

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Transform Cached RTK Query Data before Rendering with useMemo

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Migrate a Redux Thunk to RTK Query

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Handle Form Submission States with RTK Query's isLoading and isSuccess Values

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Migrate a POST Request in a Redux App to an RTK Query Mutation

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Handle Loading and Error States in RTK Query with isLoading and Error Values

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Migrate a GET Request with a Dynamic URL to RTK Query with builder.query()

lesson by Jamund Ferguson

Pass RTK Query Data into Redux Selectors

lesson by Jamund Ferguson