In this lesson, we take a look at the keyboard shortcuts that Dendron provides us to navigate our hierarchy of notes.
Heres a quick cheat sheet:
CMD+SHIFT+ down arrow
: navigate down into your hierarchyCMD+SHIFT+ up arrow
: navigate up your hierarchyCTRL+SHIFT+ [
: navigate over your sibling notesCTRL + SHIFT+ ]
: navigate over sibling notes the other wayIan Jones: [0:01] Dendron has hotkeys to allow you to move around your notes pretty quickly. Right now, I'm in the Dendron note which is the highest in the hierarchy of this Dendron note and this Dendron note.
[0:16] I can run Cmd + Shift + Arrow Down, and you can see that the Lookup is asking if I want to go to Note or Welcome. I'll go to Note, and you can see now I'm there.
[0:32] To navigate to sibling notes, notes that are at the same level of hierarchy, so in this example, dendron.note and dendron.welcome are sibling notes, because they're both children of the Dendron hierarchy. We can toggle between them by hitting Ctrl + Shift + Bracket and Ctrl + Shift + Opening Bracket.
[0:58] The closing bracket goes to the bottom one, and then back and forth like so.
[1:05] Along with that, to go back up to the topmost Dendron note, I can run Cmd + Shift + Up. Now, I'm back to the Dendron Quickstart note.